Thursday, December 17, 2009

Persimmons by Theresa Miller

Persimmons Trio
Watercolor on paper
This is one the many watercolors I have made from the persimmons that my next door neighbor gave to me the other day for still-lives. I saw him the other day putting up Christmas lights in his persimmon tree which is totally covered with fruits, just outside of my kitchen window... Every year, around Christmas time, the persimmons become ripe and flocks of birds come to eat - in a matter of a couple of days, all the fruits will be gone and only the Christmas lights will remain...
the persimmon tree in my neighbor's backyard...
The tree outside of my kitchen window... it's really lovely at night when the lights are on....


Autumn Leaves said...

While I love the persimmons, I am really loving that photograph of your window and your kitty! A piece of art in its own right!

theresamillerwatercolors said...

Thank you, Autumn! I like the photo of Inky on the window, too!

Marie Theron said...

Lovely persimmons, you really have watercolours obeying you whatever the challenge, Theresa.

As for the portrait, I saw it a few days ago and was truly speechless, still is, my family was too, so you see: no comment!

Mary Paquet said...

Theresa, you ae so versatile - florals, still lifes, landscapes, city scenes, and a portrait that blows me away! I wish I was close by and could take lessons from you. Do you teach watercolor?

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