Thursday, October 22, 2009

Horseback riding in Commugny

Horseback riding in Commugny
Watercolor on Arches
Two young ladies riding their horses in my neighborhood... a very common sight.
We just came back from our vacation and I'm very much inspired by what I tasted, smelled and saw in the exotic city of Istanbul. I painted the above watercolor just before we left on our trip. Hopefully, I'll be posting Istanbul paintings in the near future...
Alexandra, our daughter, is learning about the Bizantine and Otoman Empires at school, so we decided to go to Istambul for her autumn break, to learn more about the city and its history. We all had a great time sightseeing and learning a great deal about the Eastern Roman Empire and about the riches of the magnificent Otoman Empire. David, my dear husband, was able to spend a couple of days with us before he had to rush back to work. Luckily, he was also able to sharpen his negotiation skills while purchasing a Turkish carpet. Pomegranates, Turkish delights, Turkish apple tea are the few things that we learned to appreciate, yum!


Unknown said...

Oh, I feel like I go on a mini-vacation when I visit your blog. This is beautiful! There isn't anything you can paint in you luminous way.

Marie Theron said...

Hi Theresa, you had a wonderful year of travelling. This painting is so lively, you have conquered every type of topic!


The colour scheme chosen is nice.

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