Monday, March 23, 2009

White Catleya by Theresa Miller

White Catleya
Watercolor on Arches paper
This is another painting that I showed at my last show at the UN...
Tomorrow I shall post a small painting that I'm just finishing up today. Have a good day, everyone!

My blog: website:, email me at if you have any questions about availability and pricing of my artwork, or just to say hello. Thank you!


Theresa Rankin said...

Very curvy and organic!! Love it!

Mary Paquet said...

Another beauty! Theresa, thanks for checking in on my blog. I am so impressed with your work and to think you get to show at the UN - Wow!

I came through the Geneva airport once, but didn't get to see the area. I spend a day in Zurich another time. I enjoyed the women's church with the Mark Chagall windows, a real treat for an artist. Switzerland is so beautiful -- I must return.

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