6.5" X 8" Watercolor on Paper
I have been busy getting ready for the art exhibit at WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization - next Tuesday, 3rd of February. Let me know if you can come, I'll give you an invitation - you'll need it to be able to come in. Also, don't forget a piece of ID, just in case. Security has been so strong, even at WIPO, nowadays. Sorry for that.... I hope you can make it! Anyway, I was able to put the finishing touches on this painting, yesterday. It's from a reference photo that I took last fall in Spokane, WA. I hope you'll like it.
My blog: http://theresamillerwatercolors.blogspot.com/My website: http://www.theresamillerwatercolors.homestead.com/Please, email me at theresamillerwatercolors@gmail.com if you have any questions about availability and pricing of my artwork, or just to say hello. Thank you!
Theresa - Your flowers are amazing. I get overwhelmed with all the detail when I try to paint them. Thanks for your comments on by abstracts.
Gorgeous--beautifully executed. The yellow/purple color scheme is unexpectedly restful! But I especially love the way the petals seems to caress and protect the flower's center ...
I LOVE your flower paintings - you have a very beautiful way with them!
great shadows on the flower!something I am working on...
Laura Trevey
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