Friday, July 4, 2008

yellow Onions IV

Yellow Onions IV
6" x6" watercolor on paper
This is the last one of my yellow onion studies. I loved painting them! Will use them in my larger paintings later.

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Susan Carlin said...

I love how you consolidate the cast shadows and that they're given importance in your compositions.

Unknown said...

Hi Theresa,

Your onion series is wonderful. Each one is slightly different in its development and of course in its coloring. My favorite is Yellow Onions III, probably because the warmth of the strokes of red on the onions themselves and the depth of the red blush in the cast shadows. All of them are lovely!

Are you enjoying your summer? It goes by so quickly that we need to remind ourselves to not only PAINT the flowers, but also to SMELL the flowers. (LOL)

I'll be checking back soon to see what you find next to paint. Till then...

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

These are all wonderful. The progression is beautiful.

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