Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Chateau de Choully Peony

Chateau de Chouly Peony - 105cm x 80cm
Watercolor on Arches paper

This is one of my larger paintings which I painted last year and exhibited in Geneva. I shall post a small daily painting tomorrow. Have a great day!

My blog: http://theresamillerwatercolors.blogspot.com/
My website: www.theresamillerwatercolors.homestead.com

Please, email me at theresamillerwatercolors@gmail.com if you have any questions about availability and pricing of my artwork, or just to say hello. Thank you!


Deb Schmit said...

Very nice! Looking at your painting makes me long for my watercolors.

Ambera said...

This is really amazing. How long was it in the making?

Marie Fox said...

Theresa, This is absolutely gorgeous. I know how difficult it is to capture the translucent nature of flower petals...and to keep track of all those surfaces!

theresamillerwatercolors said...

Thank you to all for nice comments!

Ambera: it took me about 3 weeks to finish - while working on other pieces, as well.

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