Sunday, April 20, 2008

White poppies by Theresa Miller

White Poppies 6"x6"
Watercolor on Arches paper

These poppies were bloming beautifully, last week , by the entrance of the greenhouses at the Botanical Gardens in Geneva. The petals looked so fragile in the wind but the sun was shining and bathing the petals just right, it was a perfect picture. We have had a wonderful spring, so far, in Switzerland.

I have been painting larger watercolors in the past several years - some are even larger than 30" x 40". Because this is the very first 6"x6" watercolor I made for my daily painting blog, I felt I was doing miniature painting! I had a great time painting it, though, and I hope you like it. Comments are welcome.
Thank you so much for visiting my blog. If you are interested in purchasing any of my paintings, please, email me at:

1 comment:

Mary Sheehan Winn said...

You do wonderful flowers, Theresa.

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