Friday, August 29, 2008

Autumn Offerings (apples in ceramic bowl) by Theresa Miller

Autumn Offerings (Apple in ceramic bowl)

6.5" x 10" Watercolor on Paper

This is the last week of summer vacation before our daughter goes back to school as a second grader -time flies when we are having a good time. The air is crisp and cool and I can feel the autumn coming. Soon our apples in the backyard will be ready to be picked – maybe I will be able to make a few apple pies. The apples in my painting today come from the store, though. I hope you like it!

My blog: website:, email me at if you have any questions about availability and pricing of my artwork, or just to say hello. Thank you!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Slow Dance by Theresa Miller

Slow Dance (Garlic and Aubergine)
6.5" x 10" Watercolor on paper
Thanks Kathy! Hope you like it!
My blog:
My website:
Please, email me at if you have any questions about availability and pricing of my artwork, or just to say hello. Thank you!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Three in a Row (yellow tomatoes) by Theresa Miller

Three in a Row
6.5" x 6.5" Watercolor on Paper
More of my very personable yellow tomatoes....
Please, email me at if you have any questions about availability and pricing of my artwork, or just to say hello. Thank you!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Secrets (yellow tomatoes) by Theresa Miller

6"x6" Watercolor on Paper
Another painting of the same "models" from yesterday! I hope you like Them!
My blog:
My website:
Please, email me at if you have any questions about availability and pricing of my artwork, or just to say hello. Thank you!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Chit-Chat (yellow tomatoes) by Theresa Miller

6.5" x 10" Watercolor on Paper
More tomatoes from my terrace....
Please, email me at if you have any questions about availability and pricing of my artwork, or just to say hello. Thank you!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Yellow Tomatoes in Sake Cup by Theresa Miller

Yellow Tomatoes in Sake cup
6.5" x 10" Watercolor on Paper

Hello everybody! This has been a very busy Summer and although I've been painting every day (or most days), I haven't had enough time to produce one painting a day. I did, however, manage to finish this one last night, and I am posting it first thing in the morning. These are the same tomatoes from my potted plants in my terrace... By the way, they are delicious!!!

I hope you have been enjoying the Olympic Games as much as I am! Have a great day, everyone!

My blog:
My website:
Please, email me at if you have any questions about availability and pricing of my artwork, or just to say hello. Thank you!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


6.5" x 6.5" Watercolor on Paper
I really enjoyed painting this garlic. I loved putting all those different colors on the thin garlic skin and still "see" it white.
I hope you are all having a great summer! We just came back from the mountains in the Suisse Alps - what a beautiful country this is! I'm really getting into the mood of painting mountain landscape, for a change!
Please, email me at if you have any questions about availability and pricing of my artwork, or just to say hello. Thank you!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Summer Bounty V( Yellow and Cherry Tomatoes in platter) By Theresa Miller

Summer Bounty V
( Yellow and Cherry Tomatoes in platter)
6.5" x 10" Watercolor on paper
I am posting today a painting identical to the one I painted yesterday. Actually, I painted two nearly identical subjects thinking of choosing the best one to post. It happens that I like them both, so there! I hope you like it, too.
My blog:
My website:
Please, email me at if you have any questions about availability and pricing of my artwork, or just to say hello. Thank you!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Summer Bounty IV( Yellow and Cherry Tomatoes in platter) By Theresa Miller

Summer Bounty IV
( Yellow and Cherry Tomatoes in platter)
6.5" x 10" Watercolor on Paper
I hope you like it!
Please, email me at if you have any questions about availability and pricing of my artwork, or just to say hello. Thank you!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Summer Bounty III ( Yellow and Cherry Tomatoes in Japanese Bowl) By Theresa Miller

Summer Bounty III ( Yellow and Cherry Tomatoes in Japanese Bowl)
6.5" x 10" Watercolor on Paper
My blog:
My website:
Please, email me at if you have any questions about availability and pricing of my artwork, or just to say hello. Thank you!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Summer Bounty II (Yellow and Cherry Tomatoes in Japanese Bowl)

Summer Bounty II
(Yellow and Cherry Tomatoes in Japanese Bowl)
7" x 7" Watercolors on Paper
Here is my second take on the "harvest" of tomatoes from my potted tomato plants. Let's see how many I can paint - hopefully many because there are lots of them ripening in my sun drenched terrace, right now.
I was itching to go back to painting after not being able to do it for a couple of weeks. It's wonderful to be back at it! I hope you are all having a great Summer, too!
To the blogging artists out there: Jeff Hayes is doing a painting giveaway this month. He is one of my favorite daily painters, an awsome artist, and I think it's worth it checking him out, if you haven't done so, yet.
Please, email me at if you have any questions about availability and pricing of my artwork, or just to say hello. Thank you!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Summer Bounty (Cherry tomatoes in Sake Cup)

Summer Bounty ( Cherry Tomatoes in Japanese Sake Cup)
7" x 7" Watercolor on paper
It's been a busy and pleasurable Summer for us in Geneva with lots of activities with our daughter. It is also a pleasure to get a window of opportunity to paint in between these activities.
I have 3 tomato plants (cherry, regular and yellow) in planters on my terrace and they are doing very well, with lots of tomatoes ripening in the sun. They taste delicious and they are perfect "models" for my Summer paintings... I hope you like my first painting from a series of tomato paintings I would like to do this summer.
My blog:
My website:
Please, email me at if you have any questions about availability and pricing of my artwork, or just to say hello. Thank you!

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Tempest (Daylilies)
20"x 15" Watercolor on Arches Paper
It's been a great summer, but I've had so little time to paint with so many activities going on. I'm posting these daylilies that I painted from flowers from my garden, last year. I hope you like them!
Please, email me at if you have any questions about availability and pricing of my artwork, or just to say hello. Thank you!

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